Visual Kei: First Attempt
Lately, I'm really interested in Visual Kei (mau tau ceritanya kenapa? cek blog pribadiku, posting yg kemaren ttg japfest di SMA7). It leads me to do an experiment with my own face.
First, lets see the real visual Kei
taken from google.
i really like the blonde.
then I tried to search on google about the Visual Kei make up tutorial. And I found some. really satisfying.
taken from:
There are still a bunch of web pages about how to do this make up step by step. check on google (keyword: Visual kei make up tutorial)
So, I tried it on my own face. and there you go!
scary, huh??
(ini soundtracknya fotoku, denger deh..)
but it also cute!
The rule of visual kei:
1. Pale look
2. very dark smokey eyes
3. rambut kesana kemari
4. hair extended
5. dyed hair
6. scary
(sayangnya hasil polesan tanganku gag sebagus itu)
I made some mistake here:
1. I don't have any eye concealer.
2. I don't have any black eyeshadow
3. I made a mistake when I put my white eyeshadow
4. I don't have any extension hair and I didn't dye my hair.
5. I forgot to put on mascara
that's why this looks simple. I used the eyeliner too much (Sebagian eyelinernya bahkan malah kehapus). I forgot to put on mascara.
but, this is pale enough i think.
but anyway, this was satisfying for me. Some of my friends said that it was scary enough. Nice shot. And I will do the 2nd attempt soon after i get the black eyeshadow.
you can try it at home! if you are great, maybe you can be like this:

FYI: this picture is male!
well,,, i have to learn more about this before doing my 2nd attempt..
kurang smokey ndyk
(jadi pengen beli eyeliner dan maskara lagi)
iya gupp
ReplyDeletekekurangan bahan soalnya. ntar aku coba lagi deh. hehehe